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The following is from THEY CAME THEY SAW THEY WON
History of the Lethbridge HUNGARIAN CANADIAN OLDTIMERS SOCIETY from 1927 to 1985, by Lajos Miskolci Panulics.  

The first group of Hungarian people came to Lethbridge in 1901, not directly from Hungary but from Pennsylvania, U.S.A.  All of these people worked in the coal mines.  Only a few others came to this area prior to the first World War. 

After World War 1, in the 1920's, more people came from Hungary to settle in this area around Lethbridge.  Most of these people were small farmers or labourers.  The reason these people settled here was to acquire land to farm for themselves.  

There were those who succeeded and those who did not, while others succeeded in other means of livelihood.   

The people who came before World War 1 felt they were different from those who came after World War 1 because they felt that they were already ''oldtimers'' in Canada.  This feeling became apparent in 1927 with the formation of the ''Lethbridge Hungarian Oldtimers Club.''


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